The Worksheets
This lesson is part of the Web Programming 1 Course.
Believe it or not, you have now learned all the basics of HTML, which includes the following:
- The elements that are required on every page (html, head, title, body)
- HTML is used to structure (or 'mark up') content
- Elements are often made up of an opening tag and a closing tag, and these elements can contain content and other elements.
- Some elements are block and others are inline
- Some elements are self-closing, which means that they consist only of an opening tag
- Elements can have certain attributes added to them (attributes are placed inside the opening tag)
For the rest of the HTML portion of the course, we'll explore some of the many elements and attributes that can be used to create a web page.
So you are now ready for a worksheet! The video above explains how to get started with the basics-WORKSHEET.html.