Express API project starter files with unit tests

Here's what I've come up with for getting started with an Express API project that includes unit tests:

Express API Starter Files

Here's a quick summary of the starter files:

  app.js - defines the Express application (and exports it)
  server.js - imports app.js and starts it
  api.test.js - imports app.js and starts it in order to run test requests
  sample.test.js - use it as a starter file for testing app components
.env - defines environment variables for production mode - defines environment variables for dev mode
.env.test - defines environment variables used while running tests

Note that the app code (app.js) and the code that starts the app (server.js) have been separated into different files so that we can import app.js into the api.test.js file (which starts the app via supertest).

Start by installing the dependencies:

npm install

You also need to have the dotenv-cli package installed globably:

npm install -g dotenv-cli

The scripts that are defined in package.json

To run the unit tests (note that this will use the .env.test file):

npm run test

To run the app in dev mode (using the file):

npm run dev

To run the app in production mode (using the .env file):

npm run start