Node Rest API Project for the Chinook Database

This project is based on the Chinook database, which is used as a sample database for learning SQL.

Here are the starter files for the project

  1. Setting Up the Project
  2. The Database
  3. Genre Routes and Controllers
  4. Genre Model
  5. Genre Data Service
  6. Finishing the Genre Routes

Links to resources:

  1. Software design principles
  2. Overview of HTTP (you read this last semester, but you may want to review it)
  3. REST APIs for non-techies
  4. REST API Introduction
  5. REST API Design
  6. Structuring a REST API project in Express
  7. Setting up a connection pool with the mysql2 package
  8. Running Queries with mysql2
  9. mysql2 Documentation
  10. Routes and Controllers
  11. Separating Routes and Controllers
  12. JSON Web Tokens
  13. JWT Authentication
  14. JWT and Refresh Tokens
  15. Drawbacks to JWT
  16. Securing JavaScript Apps
  17. Preventing SQL Injection Attacks
  18. Dealing with CORS in Express Apps
  19. Securing your app with Helmet