Doing the JavaSript Coding Problems
This lesson is part of the Web Programming 1 Course.
Here are some tips to help you with the coding problems:
- To do this assignment, you'll need to know how to open the brower's developer tools (press F12) and look at the console log.
- Pay extremely close attention to syntax! One little syntax error can mess up your entire program.
- After you complete each problem, refresh the page in the browser and look in the console your log message and for errors.
- If you have an error in the console, check the line number of the error then look for syntax errors on that line (and the line before and the line after that line).
- If you get stuck on an assignment, please ask for help! Dealing with syntax errors can be extremely frustrating for beginners. It takes a lot of effort and support to get comfortable with the syntax of a language. Don't be afraid to ask for help, your success in this class will depend on your willingness to get help!